Why You Are Stuck and Can’t Sustain Changes.

Why You Are Stuck and Can’t Sustain Changes.

Hello love, Today I wanted to clear up why it’s hard to make changes like extra snacking or eating in between meals. These habits are a type of emotional eating. When we aren’t hungry and are using food it’s a coping mechanism. To some degree we all have emotional...
Why Comfort Eating is Ok | Emotional Eating

Why Comfort Eating is Ok | Emotional Eating

Hello love, Today I wanted to talk about why it might be a good thing to comfort eat. Obviously if you are here you’re exploring emotional eating or feel you have symptoms of that and me telling you it’s ok to comfort eat seems like the opposite of what you need to...
Is Cleansing a Good Idea | Emotional Eating

Is Cleansing a Good Idea | Emotional Eating

Hello love! I was asked this question recently and thought it would be great to answer, especially for someone who emotionally eats.  Is cleansing or fasting a good idea? Is it helpful or beneficial? Before I want to share a bit more about my own history with...
The Body Doesn’t Lie | Emotional Eating

The Body Doesn’t Lie | Emotional Eating

Hello love, This video is about the body and that it doesn’t lie. What I’m talking about here is that when our body feels pain, tension, tightness, it’s not lying there is something deeper going on. And especially if you are an emotional eater this is really important...
Why Am I Emotionally Eating? Awareness Exercise

Why Am I Emotionally Eating? Awareness Exercise

Hello love,   This week I wanted to give you something that can give you a lot more awareness on your emotional eating. This is such a trying time and the emotions are high. When you are more confined you have a lot more opportunities to really see yourself and...