by Michelle | Dec 18, 2018 | Acne, Detox, Holistic Nutrition, Skin Health
Hello! This is the last video in the 3 part series of getting to the root cause of acne from a holistic perspective. This last video on chemicals and the environment may not be obvious in how it relates to acne but it does! Check out part 1 (digestion and food)...
by Michelle | Aug 29, 2018 | Diet/Lifestyle, Digestion, Emotional Eating, Health, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Intuitive Eating
Hello love! In this video I want to share something that is foundational to tuning into your body cues. This skill helps with eating the right amount, not overeating and not eating when you don’t need to. Like with my last video on chewing,...
by Michelle | May 11, 2018 | Body Image, Diet/Lifestyle, Emotional Eating, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating
Hello Beautiful! Are you restricting the foods you eat or are you choosing your food? **I want to preface this article with saying that this is one concept. It takes time and many changes to find your ‘intuition’ about food and what resonates with you. I want...
by Michelle | Feb 13, 2018 | Diet/Lifestyle, Emotional Eating, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration, Lifestyle
Hello! In today’s video I wanted to talk about dealing with resistance to change. This is a topic I deal with a lot with clients, especially when trying to makes significant changes. My way of ‘dealing’ with resistance is contrary to how we deal with...
by Michelle | Jan 19, 2018 | Diet/Lifestyle, Digestion, Fitness, Health, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Immunity, Inspiration, Lifestyle, plant based, Recipes, Vegan
Hello love! This past week I was recovering from a few weeks of being more busy than is usually for me. I started to feel a bit grumpy and not like myself so I knew I needed to go back to my foundation in my health and well being. So I started to think about what...
by Michelle | Jan 4, 2018 | Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration, Lifestyle
Happy New Year! In today’s video I wanted to share some tips on how to destress anytime. As we finish off the holiday season there might be more space to start creating these rituals to de-stress. During the holidays it can be harder to implement many healthy...