by Michelle | Oct 22, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition
Hello love, I wanted to touch in on emotions and our fear of feeling them. Emotional eating at the core is really about emotions. We forget this because we are sold the diets and exercise and willpower. I was the same way – I thought I had to control my body to...
by Michelle | Oct 15, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Intuitive Eating, stress and digestion
Hello love, I wanted to share with you the deeper pattern of emotional eating so that you can understand why we need a different solution to what is conventionally told to us. As I’ve worked with clients I’ve seen that this pattern usually comes from childhood. We...
by Michelle | Oct 1, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Trauma Informed
Hello love, I wanted to share about weight loss and emotional eating because they seem to go hand in hand. I see this theme for clients and this was my journey as well. When I started my emotional eating journey I wanted to control my body and hunger. I didn’t realize...
by Michelle | Sep 24, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Trauma Informed
Hello love, I wanted to share more on why we need to (re)learn a new way of being with our emotional eating. When clients come to me I sense they think it should be easier to resolve their emotional eating. I mean what’s marketed is to eat a certain way and exercise....
by Michelle | Sep 17, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration
Hello love, Someone recently asked me what was the main thing that kept me going on my emotional eating resolution journey. When I reflected on it, it was my commitment. I was committed to resolving my emotional eating no matter what – even though I kept...
by Michelle | Aug 27, 2021 | Body Image, Emotional Eating, Holistic Nutrition
Hello love, Body acceptance and emotional eating go hand in hand. Body acceptance was something I had to learn on my journey to resolving emotional eating and is key for my clients as well. As emotional eaters I find we punish and criticize our body. However, I do...