by Michelle | Feb 4, 2022 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Trauma Informed
Hello love, It seems obvious that emotions would be part of emotional eating. However, I think we don’t focus on emotions when we do emotionally eat. I know for me I know when I was on my emotional eating journey that I didn’t think about the emotions. I thought I had...
by Michelle | Jan 28, 2022 | Body Image, Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition
Hello love, When clients come to me and they want to resolve their emotional eating and lose weight, a part of me cringes a little. Weight loss and emotional eating it is very intertwined. Weight gain is a symptom of emotionally eating. But weight loss can be tricky...
by Michelle | Dec 10, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Intuitive Eating, Trauma Informed
Hello love, When I was going through my own emotional eating journey I didn’t realize that I was triggered. i just felt our of control of my body and around food. Food and nourishment does play a role in our emotional eating but triggers are important to help us track...
by Michelle | Dec 3, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Trauma Informed
Hello love, Shame is an important topic for emotional eaters. A lot of my clients eat in private, in secret and hold the shame inside. They feel something is wrong with them and their body. They stay in hiding until they gain enough courage (or are in too much pain)...
by Michelle | Nov 19, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration
Hello love, I wanted to share more about how I feel about emotional eating. I didn’t always feel it was a doorway to my evolution, I thought it was a huge block to what I wanted which was to feel at ease in my body and around food. As I worked through this pattern it...
by Michelle | Oct 29, 2021 | Emotional Eating, Emotional Health, Holistic Nutrition, Reducing Stress, Trauma Informed
Hello love, I wanted to talk about the deeper implications of emotional eating and how it’s impacting your body. On my own emotional eating journey I had various issues including digestive issues, pain etc. But the biggest pattern to resolve was my emotional eating....