Hello beautiful!


This week’s video is about cleansing. Cleansing is something I am very passionate about. I love cleansing and now that I am doing set cleanses again I can see even more shifts in my own health. Sometimes a cleanse can be challenging but the rewards are worth it. Challenge helps us grow!

Over the years I have incorporated cleansing principles into my life and have had amazing results. I believe in daily cleansing but sometimes we need a total reset. This can be a chance to reset the system, reset eating patterns and to start fresh!

I’ve noticed the longer I go without a cleanse the more congested I feel. The longest I have put off a set cleanse was about 3 years due to pregnancy and breast feeding. Breastfeeding, not getting a full night’s sleep, daily stresses and running after a toddler has kept my body busy. I am glad I’ve started cleansing again to give myself the needed energy to continue on as a sane mama.

With each cleanse I continue to see change. Our bodies are truly amazing, especially when we give it a break and allow it to rejuvenate!

Check out the video below for my experience or scroll down further for the notes!

I did my first cleanse earlier this year, you can check out my experience here. This second cleanse was different in many ways and the need to cleanse felt stronger! The weather is also warmer so that helps with circulation and the body being more open to releasing.

Cleansing has been around for thousands of years. The more connected we are to our bodies the better your ability to know when you need to cleanse. Experiencing a cleanse will help you to better establish this connection. This will give you another tool to upgrade your health.

A few key things I noticed about the cleanse were:

  1. No chocolate cravings! I am a total chocoholic and I did not even feel the need. Part of it was all the nutrients I was getting but also a change in routine and more of a focus of how I was feeling. Of course it’s been over a week and I am back to chocolate but this gives me hope that my cravings will level out lol

On another note I had 2 distinct cravings for cauliflower sushi and curried quinoa! This was a great sign for me to see that my cravings were genuine as the foods were whole foods.

Over the years my cravings have changed to whole foods based cravings. The foods are real but also comforting.

2. I also noticed I wasn’t hungry. This was new for me. I tend to eat a lot but there were enough juices, smoothies and boosters to fill me up. I did have some hunger, which is great because we never get to feel hungry anymore. I kindof love this feeling. It tells me my body is ready for food or some sort of nourishment!

3. A lot more energy. More than usual actually. I did my regular workouts which included running and weights. Being active on a cleanse is better for circulation and also helps remove toxins. Always check in with the intensity your body needs though. 

4. Better quality sleep and feeling more well rested. Sleep is so vital to having better health. Of course with being a mama this can be hard sometimes. I try my best to get to bed early but most of the time I’m up later than I want to. I am trying to decompress and meditate (haha) so that I can get more restful sleep.


5. BONUS: I did not mention this in the video but will add it in here. I noticed after the cleanse that I did not feel bloated and had more space in my mid section. I felt I could breath better. This makes sense as we clear the body of excess water and waste we reduce pressure in the body. To me a cleanse is not about losing weight but the excess water does make a difference. We can have false water weight that makes us look bloated and not feel as comfortable in our body.


So there you have it, some of my cleanse ahas! If any of these things sound like they would benefit you please join me for another round of cleansing July 21-23, 2017. Check out the details here.


This cleanse will help reset your digestion, so that you can have more energy.  It also allows nutrients to be absorbed and assimilated into your body with more ease as we clean up the digestive tract. That means more health and beauty. Yes!


To better health and beauty,


Holistic Nutritionist.