by Michelle | Nov 17, 2017 | Diet/Lifestyle, favourites, Health, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Sprouting
Hello! This week I am sharing my October Monthly Holistic Favourites! I love these videos since I can share an assortment of healthy foods, items, books and ideas that you can incorporate into your life to be healthier! Ok onto the favourites. You can...
by Michelle | Jun 24, 2016 | anti-aging, Digestion, Healthy Tips, Meal Ideas, Raw, Sprouting, Vegan
Hello again! Today I have Part 2 of last week’s video on super sprouts! In this video I show you how to sprout mung beans. It’s quite simple and miraculous all at the same time. I remember when I first sprouted my first seeds years ago how excited I was! I was able to...
by Michelle | Jun 16, 2016 | Diet/Lifestyle, Digestion, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Raw, Sprouting, Vegan
Hello! Today I wanted to talk about something I haven’t done in a while – which is growing my own sprouts. I’ve been immersed in mom land and time is limited but this week I made myself a promise to start sprouting again. I usually can’t find mung bean sprouts...
by Michelle | Feb 12, 2013 | Diet/Lifestyle, Health, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration, Meal Ideas, Raw, Recipes, Sprouting, Travel
So it’s that time of year when you feel all blah from the cold weather (hello crazy snowfall in Toronto last week), blah from not being able to take walks due to slippery sidewalks and giant slushy puddles, all the work you have to do for school (ok, well maybe...
by Michelle | Oct 14, 2012 | Diet/Lifestyle, Gluten free, Health, Healthy Tips, Raw, Recipes, Sprouting
Lately I have been sprouting lentils and adding them to my lunch salads. They give my salad an extra bit of density with their starchiness plus they are packed full of fibre, pre-digested protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals! I have written about sprouting...
by Michelle | Sep 5, 2012 | Diet/Lifestyle, Gluten free, Healthy Tips, Sprouting
As some of you may have noticed I have mentioned in a few of my recipes about soaking nuts and dehydrating them. Why is this important? It would seem silly to soak nuts then dehydrate them but there are some really important reasons to do this. 1. Nuts and seeds...