Hello love,

I wanted to talk about why you emotionally eat at night. When I’m working with clients a lot of them find themselves emotionally eating at night. 

They feel out of control and can’t figure out what’s going on and they can’t stop themselves.

It’s the end of the day so there’s no other thing they are obligated to do and it feels like this wide open space. 

This is key.

When you’re an emotional eater you’re using food to cope with discomfort, distress, and uncomfortable emotions.

This can be coming up throughout the day and when there is a pause in the day like in the evening when you don’t have anything pressing to do these emotions come to the surface and they want to be looked at. 

But as an emotional eater you cope with emotions by using food to soothe or numb out. 

This is happening automatically because the brain loves efficiency and this has become a pattern. So emotions come up and the brain says “food now”. 

It feels like this constant loop at the end of the day. 

So in order to help you emotional eating in the evening you need to understand this: While emotional eating is a coping mechanism there are other factors impacting your emotional eating that are happening throughout the day. 

What I tend to se in my clients is that they are very busy, very go go go and they don’t take the time to nourish themselves, take breaks, move through any discomfort. 

So these little triggers that are happening throughout the day when we’re busy can impact us as well. We hop to the next thing and can temporarily push aside our emotional eating but it’s building under the surface. 

Let’s dive in

  • 2:22 What you need to get good at is noticing these moments that impact your emotional eating in the evening
  • 3:20 Looking at your overall day to mitigate evening binges. Are you missing these things?
  • 5:00 When it’s not the little things making you emotionally eat you have to look deeper and find the root. 
  • 7:38 Time does not heal all wounds – be willing to look at what is under your emotional eating and integrate it on a body level
  • 8:39 Trauma is on a spectrum and is usually the root of emotional eating (specific events) 
  • 9:30 Getting to ease and peace around food and in your body
  • 10:00 free resources and next steps

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To ease and peace,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating