Hello love,

I wanted to talk about discomfort and the choice you have to make to create change in your life. 

While I teach women to get to ease and confidence around food and in their body it requires a level of change. And any type of change requires you to step outside of your comfort zone which creates an element of discomfort because you’re hitting up against your limits and walls.

So you have to decide, is the discomfort of staying the same worth it? Or the discomfort of getting to the other side where ease and confidence live?

I know what choice I would make and maybe you don’t realize there is a choice you are making either way.

So the reason I want to talk about this is that a lot of the times when I talk to women who struggle with Emotional Eating they have been in this cycle for years and decades and they seem to be falling into the same trap of the quick fixes, the solutions that tell them it’s going to be easy and they don’t realize that they need more support to get to the other side. 

So even when I was on my own journey it wasn’t that I was looking for an easy way out of my Emotional Eating but most of the things I could find were easy and claimed to get me “there” in 30 days and pain free lol

Any level of growth requires discomfort because we have to step outside of our comfort zone. Our comfort zone feels comfortable because we are used to it, not because it’s actually comfortable. Because we’re familiar with it – it registers as safe. 

To do something different requires new emotions and some level of discomfort. 

AND if you are an emotional eater when you hit up against this discomfort or distress that triggers more Emotional Eating. But you need to move through this to get to the other side. 

Check out the video below at the timestamps to dive deeper:

  • 2:22 These emotions are needed to get to what you want (the ease + confidence around food + in your body)
  • 2:40 While you can’t eliminate discomfort you can shorten it with this instead of going back to your old ways
  • 3:20 most programs avoid this and try to sell you the quick fixes which leads to yo-yoing creating more issues down the road and less results
  • 4:15 getting to the root to create true sustainable change on an body level
  • 5:15 to create true change you need to be willing to do something different
  • 7:12 the consequences of staying in this pattern
  • 9:50 Discomfort is temporary if you have the right process
  • 15:30 Key takeaways about discomfort with emotional eating 
  • 16:50 next steps and resources

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To getting to ease + confidence,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating