
Hello love,

I wanted to chat about where the roots of your Emotional Eating pattern is. Usually what I see in women is that they’re trying to resolve their Emotional Eating by using our mind. Trying to think their way out of it, to figure it out. Maybe that looks like changing your mindset and trying new ways of doing things.

But it doesn’t seem to shift the pattern on a deep level.

This is because the roots of this pattern live in the body. The reason it lives in the body is because Emotional Eating is a coping mechanism that was created because of unresolved trauma. 

Trauma just means that you went through a situation or event where you were left feeling unresolved because you weren’t able to process or move through your emotions, your discomfort or stress and find  resolution to meet your true needs. 

So, you had to cope and food became the outlet for that coping. 

Food can numb the discomfort, soothe the pain, and seems like the best solution at the time. 

Food is also very connected to love and the mother. 

So when I’m working with clients we are getting to the root of their Emotional Eating pattern in order to resolve their pattern and create a deep lasting shift. 

Because if we don’t get to the root and resolve it, it keeps looping again and again. 

The root of your pattern is in the body and is subconscious. This is why when you’re triggered into your Emotional Eating you automatically go to food and feel like you’re being taken over and out of control. 

Let’s dive in deeper:

  • 2:11 Why the Emotional Eating pattern is so powerful and takes over
  • 2:46 The pattern lives in the body and needs different tools to shift it
  • 3:15 The root the pattern looks different than you sitting around eating 5 bags of chips…
  • 5:59 It’s not *just* about somatic work alone, a specific structure is needed to resolve this pattern
  • 7:00 You need a specific process that includes how to relate to food + the body in a healthy way so this becomes a sustainable change. 
  • 9:32 You can be empowered in your journey and be supported as well
  • 10:25 What this specific process looks like briefly (from triggers to resolution)
  • 14:30 What is trauma and having modelling  + support to expedite the journey to resolution

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To sustainable change,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating