Hello love,

Stress is everywhere if we look around—busy schedules, kids, being overbooked, and so many demands on our time and energy.

Then, we also have to take care of our bodies, our work, and reach our goals.

We’re juggling all of these things, and it’s adding more and more stress to our lives.

Maybe you’re in a transition period, which can be particularly stressful.

All of these situations trigger emotional eating. When we push past our limits, it’s uncomfortable and stressful.


If you cope with your stress and uncomfortable emotions by emotionally eating, it’s almost like every time you want to reach for something more, you get pulled back into that habit.

While it might seem like the big things—like the goals you’re going after and pushing past your comfort zone—are triggering your emotional eating, it’s actually deeper than that.

If we go back to what emotional eating really is, it’s a coping mechanism.

Yes, you’re dealing with stress and discomfort in your current life, but I want to argue that if you knew how to move through your emotions, stress, and discomfort as you’re pursuing your goals, you wouldn’t turn to food.

Because food is a coping mechanism you developed when you were younger. When you didn’t have the right support from parents or caregivers to help you process your emotions and move through the discomfort you were feeling, you turned to food.

This means you were piling up emotions internally. This is happening physically because when emotions aren’t processed, the body stores them. The body literally keeps the score and holds on to these emotions.

Another way of saying this is that these are traumas—unprocessed emotions and unresolved events we experienced. Trauma exists on a spectrum and isn’t always the obvious kind we usually think of.

Let’s dive in:

  • 2:22 How not processing emotions shrinks our capacity—real-life examples
  • 5:00 Emotional eating and the lack of modeling we needed
  • 6:05 Daily stress can trigger emotional eating, but it’s not the root cause
  • 6:56 What does this process look like? Not like the tactics you’re sold!
  • 11:40 Free resource and next steps

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To ease and peace,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating