Hello love,

Today I wanted to go a bit deeper into the part of you that is emotionally eating. It’s not all of you, it’s a part that is triggered. 

This was something I didn’t know about when I struggled with Emotional Eating. This concept of parts of me wasn’t even a thought. I didn’t realize there was a part of me that would emotionally eat to cope.

This is helpful to help you understand Emotional Eating. When I’m working with clients this is what they are doing, identifying the part of them that is emotionally eating. And how to meet the needs of this part and to transform it.

Emotional Eating is a coping mechanism that we develop in childhood  when we didn’t have our needs met. We weren’t seen, heard, validated, accepted when we  felt discomfort or uncomfortable emotions. We were also not modelled how to move through this discomfort. 

Which left us to figure it out on our own. As children we feel the pain of the emotional distress and we survive by coping with it. By using food to soothe, numb out, or distract from the pain. 

When we’re using food to cope with our distress this becomes a pattern. And that means we are not connected to our emotions.

So when you’re triggered into your distress or discomfort this part of you that emotionally eats takes over. This part only knows how to use food to numb out or distract from the pain. It doesn’t know how to resolve the emotional distress, how to move though it, how to regulate the nervous system without this external substance (food).

So if life is really calm, the pattern doesn’t pop up but when life gets stressful and you’re trying to navigate it you’ll find yourself turning to food to soothe, to numb out, to distract from the emotional pain.

By distracting you can’t connect to what you actually need. 

Check out the video BELOW with timestamps to dive deeper!

  • 2:43 Why emotions are important
  • 3:28 What’s happening internally when you want to emotionally eat
  • 4:30 How to transform this pattern on a deeper level
  • 6:14 Your relationship to food
  • 7:56 Your relationship to your body
  • 8:46 Your relationship to your unresolved emotions
  • 11:11 Helping your inner child 
  • 11:45 1st step to resolving this pattern

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To meeting your true needs,



Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating