The days leading up to the birth of my son were blissful but once he was born a lot of my daily habits were thrown out the window! Sleep? What was that? I was getting about 4-6 hours of interrupted sleep. I needed to be there for my son but this was so different than my 10 hour nights!

Through all of this love, bliss and chaos of having a baby, I started noticing dark under eye circles. So not cool! I knew something was off with my body. It was time to see what I was doing that was making be not look or feel my best.

I know when you have a baby certain things will never be the same (like having alone time, eating with two hands or brushing your teeth without someone grabbing your ankles –ok that last thing is pretty cute!). But I never saw these dark eye circles coming. Speaking of never being alone, check out the video for a special guest!

As a holistic nutritionist I love getting to the root cause of issues like this and since other moms have asked me about it I thought I’d share what worked for me.

Check out the video below which explains why you get dark under eye circles, what’s going on in the body and some super simple ways to improve their appearance that doesn’t include concealer 😉

Here are some of the links I mentioned in the video:

Please SHARE this with expectant and new moms. Dark eye circles do not necessarily have to be part of the mom package. Our bodies are amazing and with some simple changes you can erase under eye circles, improve your health and feel like you slept for 8 hours (instead of 6).

Your turn! Please leave a comment below. What is your experience with postpartum beauty? Do you have any tips, I would love to hear!

Thank you for watching + reading!

To a powerful postpartum period,

holistic nutritionist.

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