Hello love,

So while you may not realize it, Emotional Eating is your (uncomfortable) comfort zone. 

Emotional Eating is what you go to when life becomes uncomfortable. It helps you to soothe yourself from discomfort and distress. It helps you to feel comfortable on one hand but leads to more discomfort. 

By having this coping mechanism you stay stuck in your uncomfortable comfort zone. 

Growth is outside of the comfort zone. So why do we get stuck in this pattern when we want to get out of it?

So if we go back to Emotional Eating being a coping mechanism this means you use it to soothe yourself from any discomfort, distress or uncomfortable emotions. You would have learned to do this as a child. Your parents or caregivers weren’t able to model to you how to be with your discomfort or be with you with it so you could get to resolution. 

They couldn’t help you regulate your emotions or your system. And as children, developmentally, we need that modelling. We need our parents to be that safe container so that we can move through our emotions and guide us to resolution. To the other side where we integrate this information and use it to move forward. 

If this didn’t happen you were left with uncomfortable emotions and needed a way to soothe from them. This is where you figured out food made you feel good giving you a dopamine hit. The brain loves efficiency so over time  it becomes an automatic pattern. It becomes subconscious.

So you keep going to food when we feel discomfort. 

Discomfort is not a bad thing. Emotions are not a bad thing. Distress is not abad thing. It means you’re interacting with life. And if you weren’t taught how to be with emotions you’re going to run to food.

Let’s dive in below:

  • 2:34 How do you get out of your uncomfortable comfort zone 
  • 3:25 Looking at your pattern with food + the first steps to resolving this pattern
  • 4:10 In order to catch Emotional Eating triggers you need to do these 2 things first
  • 4:40 Triggers are the gateway to your evolution 
  • 6:20 Learning to accept emotions and what that journey looks like
  • 7:30 What triggers are really telling us
  • 7:50 Shifting the nervous system to get to ease and peace with food and your body
  • 9:00 The bridge from uncomfortable (comfort) zone to growth to ease and peace
  • 10:00 Resources and next steps

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To growth,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating