Hello love,

When you emotionally eat it is the tip or the iceberg. You see your out of control behaviour with food, the obsessive thoughts about food and your body, and just feeling out of control and think it’s about food and your body.

But it’s so much more than this. 

Just like an iceberg, this is the tip and there is so much more going on under the surface. 

Emotional Eating has all these layers because it is a coping mechanism. It would have began in childhood where your parents or caregivers didn’t model how to be with emotions or provide the safety needed for you to express how you were feeling. 

This means you were left with these uncomfortable emotions and had to cope to escape this discomfort. Food is great at giving us a dopamine hit, it distracts us and numbs us temporarily. It’s how you soothe yourself when you get triggered. 

Along the way this coping mechanism impacts your relationship with food, your body and originally your emotions in an unhealthy way. 

You have to start looking beyond *just* our behaviour with food and our body and look at the real reasons we created this coping mechanism to resolve this pattern.

You have to look at your relationship to food, your body and emotions but go deeper than just the behaviours or actions around them.

  • Let’s dive in! Timestamps below.
  • 2:17 Actions around food, your body and emotions that spiral you into emotional eating 
  • 2:55 The way you think about food, your body and emotions is limiting you from feeling good and triggering you
  • 3:55 What’s really going on below the surface of the iceberg of Emotional Eating?
  • 4:25 How do you start to chip away at the root and shift your Emotional Eating?
  • 7:09 Meeting YOUR true needs and not using food as a bandaid
  • 8:30 Next steps and resources

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To resolution,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating