If only I was a little more savvy about exercising on-the-go in the past I would have enjoyed my time away from home even more.

In the past couple of years I have really enjoyed taking my workout on the road. I first started with running but when I realized that long distance running was not that great an option for me I switched to finding local gyms. This was ok but the cost wasn’t that economical.

This past weekend I visited my fiance’s parents for Easter and I decided to take my yoga mat and yoga video with me (via my iPod)! After recently investing in two great yoga workouts by Seane Corn, I am able to take my yoga class with me and make my yoga practice even better. Before purchasing these videos I YouTube’d many yoga workouts. Now comparing the two I can see that the YouTube videos lack the direction that Seane conveys. They are however a great start to see what forms of yoga are out there and they are free!

The best thing about these workouts is that I do them in the comfort of my home and now the comfort of my future in-laws’ home too!

Why work out on the road?

In the past when I would visit family, I would dismiss having any alone time, let alone workout time. A little me-time is healthy and much needed for everyone everyday. Being able to workout on the road keeps me balanced and happy. No one likes grumpy Michelle, especially me! Plus, driving or travelling for a few hours leaves me agitated and needing an outlet to burn off some energy.

These days I make it a priority to workout on the road. My body craves movement more so now than ever before. I’m pretty lucky that my fiancé and his family are totally supportive of my me-time!