by Michelle | Oct 26, 2017 | Body Image, Health, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration
Hello love! About a week ago I went to a meditation conference with Sadhguru (a yogi). At one point he started to talk about the layers we have as a being. The first and foundational layer is called the food body. In the yogic philosophy we have several layers to our...
by Michelle | Oct 13, 2017 | favourites, Health, Healthy Tips, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration
Hello love! This week I am back with my monthly holistic favourites video. I haven’t done one in a few months but I love doing them. It’s a great way for me to share a few foods and lifestyle tips that you can easily incorporate into your life. One change at a time is...
by Michelle | Sep 28, 2017 | Desserts & Treats, Diet/Lifestyle, Holistic Nutrition, Inspiration
Hello beautiful! In today’s video I wanted to talk about the concept of deprivation and dieting. This is a feeling that comes along with diets in my experience. I remember when I used to yo-yo diet and felt restricted and deprived. Back then I felt deprived of all the...
by Michelle | Sep 23, 2017 | Desserts & Treats, Holistic Nutrition, Meal Ideas, Raw, Recipes, Vegan, vegan
Hello lovely! Today I am sharing this amazing truffle recipe! Mama and toddler approved. The main ingredient is the super sunflower seed. Sunflower seeds are an amazing seed full of vitamin E for skin heath and tons of plant protein. My son is obsessed with...
by Michelle | Sep 21, 2017 | Emotional Eating, Holistic Nutrition
Hello beautiful! Today I wanted to talk about why compassion is key to creating change in your life. I recently heard a story about a shaming experience with a nutritionist. The nutritionist was quite shaming when the client mentioned that she overate. She gave the...
by Michelle | Sep 14, 2017 | cleansing, Detox, Diet/Lifestyle, Holistic Nutrition
Hello lovely! In today’s video I wanted to talk about detoxing and why we need to be detoxing every day. Yes, our bodies naturally have detoxification processes. BUT we live in a different world than our ancestors did a hundred years ago. Our environment,...