
Hello love,

I wanted to talk about THESE thoughts that might be keeping you in your emotional eating loop. 

These thoughts might sound like: 

I’m eating too much

I’m not eating the right amount of xyz

I shouldn’t be eating THIS way

AND every time you pass by the mirror you say something critical, it might be subtle but it’s there. 

These thoughts are swirling in your head and you might think that ignoring them is your way out. That when you finally reach this pinnacle (maybe it’s a certain weight or controlling your food for the day) these thoughts will disappear. 

But news flash – these thoughts are not going to disappear once you reach this place. They are always in the background swirling around. And right now you can hear them (which is great) because sometimes you can’t “hear” them but they are in the background secretly running the show. 

What I see with clients in the program is that these thoughts are not *just* swirling around in our brain. They are connected to a root cause which is usually a trauma. 

These thoughts that are judging us and criticizing us are like a kite. So if you think of someone holding a kite and it’s flying in the air – the thoughts are the kite. If you follow the string it leads you back to the person which is where these thoughts originated. 

These thoughts are like a distraction telling us if we act this way, do this thing, look this way, eat this certain way, eat this amount THEN we will finally be acceptable to OURSELVES.

But we would have first learned these thoughts from our parents, caregivers, and society. We adopted these thoughts because as humans we want to be liked, we want to be included, we want to belong. If this is what we have to do (try to bend to these thoughts) we will and we will contort ourselves as best we can. 

ESPECIALLY when we are children. So when we’re younger if we don’t get the love and acceptance of our parents and caregivers or those around us we start trying to fit into a box that might get that.

This is not our box, this is not what we authentically need but we start to manipulate ourselves because we want to fit in, we want to look like everyone else. When we deny who we are we create a level of trauma and emotional discomfort. This creates our emotional eating pattern which makes us out of control with food. 

Let’s dive in more below:

  • 2:58 We think it’s about the food, and we try to control which keeps us stuck
  • 4:05 these thoughts pull you away from what you’re trying to achieve
  • 5:00 you might consciously ‘accept’ yourself which is 5% but on a deeper level you feel *this* way which is running the show
  • 7:07 Are you wanting to eat a certain way to be acceptable? Example of my client and her French fantasy + how dieting damages your body more
  • 8:50 How that judgemental voice is showing you where you have deeper work to do to stop this pattern
  • 9:40 listening to conventional advice about your thoughts keeps you stuck, here’s what you need instead
  • 11:00 Honouring yourself and getting support on your individual journey + what my journey looked like
  • 13:45 Action alone will not shift this pattern, you need to have the deeper process to shift the judgemental thoughts and beliefs
  • 15:55 Next steps and free resources

Next Steps

1. If you are ready to start your journey to resolving your Emotional Eating you can download my free guide “What Are You Truly Hungry For?” to start discerning true from emotional hunger and catching your triggers HERE.

2. If you are ready to transform your emotional eating so that you can get to ease, peace and confidence around food and in your body with a step by step process and guidance then find out more about The Emotional Eating Evolution Program HERE. 

To clarity,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist Specializing in Emotional Eating