Today I wanted to give you 3 simple ways to reset your system and detox right now. 

Its spring and its a great time to cleanse, reset and reboot our system. So lets get started!

Check out the video below:

1. Lemon + Room Temperature water first thing in the morning. 

This is very cleansing. The lemon contains enzymes that help the liver, vitamin C help with going to the bathroom, and minerals that are alkalinizing. Following up with more water will flush and detox your system!

2. Add in a green smoothie. 

This is a great way to add in lots of veggies BUT it is also pre-digested. Digestion can take about 50-80% of your energy. By having something pre-digested helps reduce the amount of energy spent on digestion. That means more energy can go towards cleansing. 

3. Adding in more vegetables in general (60-80%). 

Vegetables alkalinize your system and are mineral rich. They help to balance your pH. In an alkaline system the body can let go of toxicity. Processed foods, animal products, alcohol and grains to a degree are acidic. You can find many charts online with more detail.

There you have it, 3 super simple ways to reset your system. I hope they have helped you! If you need help with a deeper reset book a call with me HERE or join my cleanse 🙂

To resetting,
