Hello love,

This recipe is a long time coming. I was obsessed with it over the Christmas break and was really pleased with the results. I usually make raw desserts because I’m simply obsessed with enzymes and living foods but I also try to make things that will be conventionally accepted by the masses. I made this mocha biscotti for my fiance’s family over the Christmas holiday. My fiancé and I loved them and that’s what counts, right? Since mother’s day is coming up I thought this would be a great healthy treat to make.

I adapted this recipe from Elana’s Pantry and added my Michelle touch. 😉 I made my own flour by grinding whole almonds in my vitamix instead of using blanched flour, which worked really well! I used 90% dark chocolate for an extra rich chocolate taste but you can feel free to use 70%. I also used Dandy Blend, a coffee alternative that is made with dandelion root instead of espresso. Dandelion root is amazing for helping to detoxify the liver 🙂

Uber Chocolate Mocha Biscotti


Makes about 14 biscotti, please buy organic ingredients if possible

  • 2 ¼ cups almond flour/meal (I ground about 2 cups of whole almonds in my vitamix to make flour)
  • ¼ cup raw cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 1 tbsp Dandy Blend (can omit)
  • ¼ tsp celtic or Himalayan sea salt
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • ½ cup 90% dark chocolate cut into chunks (or at least 70% dark chocolate)


1. In a blender or food processor grind up whole almonds to make almond flour.

2.In a food processor, combine almond flour, raw cacao powder, arrowroot powder, Dandy Blend, salt and baking soda

3. Pulse until ingredients are well combined

4. Add maple syrup and pulse until mixture forms balls

5. Remove dough from food processor and work in dark chocolate with your hands

6. Form dough into 2 logs on a parchment paper lined baking sheet

7. Bake at 325° for 25 minutes, then remove from oven.

8. Cut the logs into ½ inch slices on the diagonal with a very sharp knife

9. Spread slices out on a baking sheet and bake at 300° for 12-15 minutes

10. Remove from oven and allow to cool, set, and become crispy. Enjoy!

Better for you ingredients


  • are a rich source of minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium (for bone health), iron (for blood health), magnesium (adds in relaxing muscles and 100s of metabolic  reactions), zinc (for great hair, skin, nails and fertility), and selenium (part of a powerful antioxidant and is anti-cancer).
  • They are also rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic and palmitoleic acids (for heart health) and are a great source of B vitamins (important for stress) and vitamin E(an amazing antioxidant).


Happy biscotti making!


Holistic Nutritionist.
