Hello lovely people! I hope you are all excited about the Holidays. I am so excited that I have no time to be present, wait, I am making time to be present!

In the midst of returning home from Puerto Rico (and only being back 2 weeks), packing to go on my honeymoon part deux ( an  epic 3+ weeks to India), getting papers sorted out for our dream house and packing up my life to move… IT. HAS. BEEN. INSANITY!

I’m surprised my adrenals haven’t blown out yet but I know I can handle it!

2014 is going to be off to an amazing start, but if I can’t be fully present and enjoy it then there’s no point! That’s why I have been doing these 3 things religiously over the last few weeks to remain all ZEN and in the moment!

1. Taking time to have a cup of tea, especially Holy Basil tea. This adaptogenic (read: helps you function under stress) tea is amazing and is originally from India (how appropriate!). It mellows you out, gives you a huge boost of antioxidants, gives you a tea break and gets your body calm and cool, perfect for meditation and bliss. Magic in a cup. I like this brand. It’s a stress-free zone when this is in my hands!


2. Spoonking aka at-home acupuncture for a lot less. I got a Spoonk earlier this year when my husband threw out his back and I have been using it ever since! It is full of tiny durable plastic ‘needles’ that you lie on. It’s not the most pleasant thing at first but it does the trick. It brings circulation, which means healing, to aching parts of the body and helps you deeply relax. I have been doing this for 10 minutes at the end of the day along with deep breathing and I literally fall asleep on it. Tip: set a timer so you don’t pass out on the mat all night! Stress-free bliss!


3. Yoga, yoga, yoga! While in Puerto Rico I was doing a lot more yoga on my own a few times a week. Not that I became a yoga head, it was what was convenient since there was no gym and the yoga offered was a little too slow for me. I got so used to having a great stretch (your body and mind) session and lying in shavasana that coming home I realized how much my body enjoyed the serenity and gentleness. It’s been great to just wake up, not check emails and just devote and hour or so to my body and self! Shavasana and lying on the floor is very grounding to the psyche and body. This time of year we are everywhere and need that…try it out! I personally  like doing an at home practice with Seane Corne videos, going to a hot yoga studio, or using Yoga Glo for more yoga variety!

yogaThere you have it, some tips to remain sane this time of year and beyond 😉

So please SUBSCRIBE (upper right hand corner) to receive more amazing insider tips on how to de-stress, healthify and beautify your life and SHARE this with other stressed out women who need some calm in their life and help inspire them to take their health and holidays into their own hands!

Peace + Holiday Calm


holistic nutritionist.