
Today I wanted to talk about something I haven’t done in a while – which is growing my own sprouts. I’ve been immersed in mom land and time is limited but this week I made myself a promise to start sprouting again. I usually can’t find mung bean sprouts at my local grocer anyways so it was a great sprout to start with and so easy to get going.

It really only takes a few seconds to grow sprouts over the course of a few days and the benefits are amazing (as I explain in the video below).

Sprouts are superfoods. Superfoods give you more nutrition per gram and sprouts definitely fit that description. This is part 1 of super sprouts and part 2 I will  show you how simple it is to sprout 🙂

Check out the video below for the amazing benefits.


  1. Sprouts have more vitamin and mineral content than their seed counterpart! As they grow the nutrients start multiplying exponentially.
  2. Macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) are broken down into their smaller constituents which make them easier to digest.
  3. Sprouts are more alkaline than their seeds. We need about 80% alkaline foods in our diet.
  4. When you grow sprouts you are growing your own food and it is more cost effective than buying them.
  5. Sprouts come with a surplus of digestive enzymes which can help us conserve ours.
  6. Check out the video for this BONUS reason 😉

Hopefully this video has given you some amazing reasons to incorporate more sprouts into your diet. They truly are a superfood. In Part 2 I will show you how to sprout your very own sprouts. Please be sure to subscribe so you get the next instalment!

To living foods,


Holistic Nutritionist.