I love to travel… just love it and the one thing I love more than traveling is being healthy. I know many people love to travel but maintaining a fairly healthy diet can be difficult. Well I’m here to share some of my tips on healthy travel.

So, don’t be lured by that deep fried mars bar, all you can eat pasta buffet or nuked airplane food ever again! Learn how to choose wisely while away from home 🙂

1. How to pack for your flight

  • Pack a large green salad with avocado, dulse and dressing
  • Dulse is a seaweed and helps with radiation as we are exposed to more when we are at a higher elevation
  • Pack fruits; they are full of antioxidants and digest quickly. No one wants to be bloated on a flight. Pineapples are especially good for digestion and radiation
  • Pack dried fruit and nuts.
  • Dark chocolate is a must!
  • Eat light to heavy; have fruit first, followed by the salad and then the nuts and dried fruit last.
  • Space each meal 3-4 hours apart for proper digestion!
  • Bring tea bags and water on board; you can always ask for hot water

2. Nutritionally navigating the city you are in

  • Food: Use the internet (happycow.net) to locate at least one organic market, organic grocery store, or at the very least a good grocery store, and some great restaurants
  • Accommodations: Rent an apartment (www.airbnb.com) or a hotel room with a kitchen
  • Some of my favorite apartment cities include Paris, Lisbon and Copenhagen where I didn’t have to search frantically for an organic restaurant or settle for a miniscule salad.

3. What you should bring; supplements, appliances, food staples

  • Supplements: Probiotics (Dr. Ohira), Digestive enzymes and a green powder (Green Vibrance travel packs)
  • Food staple examples: Chia seeds, nuts, rice, beans or anything that is your staple at home that you can’t live without and will most likely not find at your destination.
  • I tend to pack a lemon, an avocado, fresh cut veggies, chia seeds, dates and dark chocolate to tide me over for a day or so.
  • Appliances/Tools: small blender for smoothies, fork, knife, spoon and a container with a lid

Hopefully I have informed you that you can travel in a healthy way with a little preparation. So next time you are planning on going away use these tips to come back feeling healthy, vibrant and rested NOT bloated and tired.


Holistic Nutritionist.