Last Thursday I made a last minute decision to attend an event called “Top Ten Event”. The draw was that it was an inspiring panel of 10 individuals who were successful in their respective sector who would share their advice on life.

I love hearing about what inspires others because it creates more inspiration all around.

Some of the great advice I heard was:

1. Dumb luck is preparation meeting an opportunity that you take.

2. Don’t project who you think you should be, just be who you are, really!

3. Stop long enough to appreciate what you have and to absorb it so that in later years you can remember those fond memories.

4. Decide if you want to be a follower or a leader!

5. Take educated risks.

6. Forgive people. It helps you to move forward.

7. Do not let your past hold you back. Look at it, deal with it, and let it go. Live in the present.

8. Listen.

9.Tell the truth. It frees your soul.

10. Follow your instinct and do what you are passionate about.

And what inspires me? Lots of things but these days it has to be chocolate. Wait is an addiction inspiring? Maybe not, but enjoy some of my past posts on the love of my life…



So in the spirit of inspiration, go out and be inspired this Monday afternoon!