Hello love,

I wanted to talk about the deeper implications of emotional eating and how it’s impacting your body. On my own emotional eating journey I had various issues including digestive issues, pain etc. But the biggest pattern to resolve was my emotional eating.

When I work with clients they have emotional eating + a whole host of other issues. 

When we have emotional eating this pattern (usually) goes back to childhood with unprocessed emotions. 

Unprocessed emotions live in our body.

Emotions are chemicals that are released in the body and when we don’t process them they stay stuck in the body in certain areas. We feel this stuckness as tension, contraction, tightness or aches and pains. 

So when you are feeling stress your body tenses up. That’s your body holding in these emotions and when you don’t process them this leads to chronic inflammation. Over time we have deeper issues come up because of this, like aches and pains, tightness, joint pain and disease that becomes chronic.

Chronic stress is perpetuated if we don’t resolve these deeper issues in our body. 

To resolve it we need to get into the emotional eating pattern. We not only need to shift the pattern but also nourish the body and have body acceptance. When we implement these 3 areas this helps with the physical issues in the body. Clients start feeling at ease in their body. 

The 3 areas are:

True Nourishment 

  • nourish the body to help with the stressful state it is in and optimize digestion

Body Acceptance

  • move from punishing and criticizing (stressful state) the body to understanding the rituals our body needs

Emotional Wellness Phase

  • how to feel feel safe in the body to process these emotions as we weren’t taught how to regulate ourselves
  • uncomfortable emotions drive us to eat which traps them in the body

In The Emotional Eating Evolution Program we are removing each of these layers so we can start resolving these issues in the body. 

If you recognize you are using food to soothe yourself and you have additional ailments it is most likely because your body has been holding in these emotions which then create chronic stress. You may also be contributing to stress by not nourishing your body, punishing and criticizing your body. The program is set up to move through all these levels to set you up to succeed. 

If this is resonating with you and you are ready to resolve your emotional eating I would love to invite you to book in an Emotional Eating Assessment call here. 

To ease in your body,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert

To resolve it we need to get into the emotional eating pattern. We not only need to shift the pattern but also nourish the body and have body acceptance. When we implement these 3 areas this helps with the physical issues in the body. Clients start feeling at ease in their body. 

The 3 areas are:

True Nourishment 

  • nourish the body to help with the stressful state it is in and optimize digestion

Body Acceptance

  • move from punishing and criticizing (stressful state) the body to understanding the rituals our body needs

Emotional Wellness Phase

  • how to feel feel safe in the body to process these emotions as we weren’t taught how to regulate ourselves
  • uncomfortable emotions drive us to eat which traps them in the body

In The Emotional Eating Evolution Program we are removing each of these layers so we can start resolving these issues in the body. 

If you recognize you are using food to soothe yourself and you have additional ailments it is most likely because your body has been holding in these emotions which then create chronic stress. You may also be contributing to stress by not nourishing your body, punishing and criticizing your body. The program is set up to move through all these levels to set you up to succeed. 

If this is resonating with you and you are ready to resolve your emotional eating I would love to invite you to book in an Emotional Eating Assessment call here. 

To ease in your body,


Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert