I first stumbled upon the website ‘My New Roots’ early last year and was drawn to the site because of the beautiful pictures of food, innovative recipes and the writer’s passion for nutrition. I soon discovered the blogger, Sarah Britton, was from Toronto and was residing in Copenhagen.

Last March I was lucky enough to attend Sarah B’s first cooking class in Copenhagen. The class was a 2 day event and I met Sarah and was really inspired by the flow of her classes. The whole time I was in the class I kept thinking ‘this is what teaching and learning look like; a passionate, supportive and nurturing environment’.

Since my cooking class with Sarah B I have stayed in contact with her and she was gracious enough share some inspiration on the blog today!

What was the catalyst that turned you into a healthy foodie?

I lived in an experimental city in the high desert of Arizona for a year. There I worked on the organic farm, growing food for the community. That was the first time I experienced living in tune with the earth to such a degree and it was like I woke up for the first time. I ate what we grew, and gave up processed foods, which changed everything. I finally understood what it meant to feel healthy, alive, and vibrant. It was after this that I began studying holistic nutrition and using food as medicine. My blog shortly followed.

What are your non-negotiables  when it comes to your diet?

Over the years, I’ve become a ‘quality’ food snob, meaning that I like to buy the best of the best – seasonal, local, organic, biodynamic, fair-trade. That doesn’t mean that I purchase overly expensive foods, but I have been known to go to great lengths to source raw honey, heirloom beans, biodynamic veggies, stone-milled flour and organic goat’s milk etc. I will never compromise on the level of my food’s quality, where it came from, and how it reached my plate. To me, it’s the most important thing! When food is really good, it doesn’t need much intervention as it tastes wonderful on its own. That makes my job in the kitchen really easy!

What’s in your bag? When you pack for a trip, in your handbag, in the pockets of your jeans…?

Essential oil of oregano, a little bag of loose-leaf green tea, homemade granola, an avocado, a notebook and pen, a refillable water bottle.

What is one tip you have for traveling – a beauty tip, a survival tip, a culinary tip… ?

Always go to a local market to eat. Spend one day exploring without a camera. Buy an edible souvenir, like a bottle of really good olive oil, or some exotic spices or herbs.

Most incredible dinner out when traveling?

My favorite way to enjoy food is straight from the source. When I travel I like to either visit a farm or a local market, buy some seasonal goods and prepare them accordingly. This often means instead of going out for a meal, I cook for myself. But what could be better than that?

Do you travel with any appliances?

Just my ceramic knives…I never leave home without them!

Your motto?

Follow your bliss.

What exactly is Holistic Nutrition?

The best way to define Holistic Nutrition is a health care system based on integrating the physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional and spiritual components of someone’s life. It emphasizes personal responsibility and a cooperative relationship between practitioner and client. Working with both the diet and lifestyle, I help people return to a state of healthy balance and well-being.

Who inspires you?

I am very inspired by anyone who follows their passions, even if it means going against the grain. It takes courage to do what you really want.

What are the concerns nutritionally with being a vegetarian?  How can you circumvent this?

In my opinion, there aren’t many concerns with being vegetarian, unless you are a strict vegetarian and avoid all animal products (vegan). In this case, supplementation is important. B12, iron, and vitamin D are three supplements I take (of course, I don’t take iron all the time though!). Throughout my pregnancy, I’ve also had to be very aware of my protein intake. Getting around 80g a day hasn’t been easy…but it’s fun to eat so much!

Why do you think you have been able to follow your bliss?

I guess I’ve been “able” to follow my bliss because I truly believe in what I am doing. I’ve chosen to disregarded what is expected of me and trust that my heart will lead me in the right direction. It sounds cliché, but time and time again, doing what I love has proven to be the best choice. It’s lead me to where I am today, and as more amazing opportunities keep presenting themselves, I know I am doing the right thing!

How do you stay motivated around others that may not be as food and healthy minded as you are? Any tips or tricks?

At this point, I feel so strong on my own path that I don’t let others opinions or habits sway me. That being said, it wasn’t always that way. I stayed motivated through those times by providing healthy alternatives to friends and family instead of expressing negativity about the choices they were making.

How will you teach your future baby to eat well?

I know that leading by example is the best way to teach, so I just plan on continuing to do what I am doing now! I would love to spend lots of time in the kitchen together, engaging my children in the inspiring world of growing food and cooking. I know that when kids are involved in what they eat, they are far more likely to enjoy their food because they know exactly the process it has been through and what’s more, they’ve had a hand in creating it.

I love Sarah B’s attitude towards not only nutrition, food and babies but also life. Gotta love the ‘follow your bliss’ line 🙂 Check out Sarah B’s blog and this amazing recipe for healthy nut butter cups, mmmm 🙂


holistic nutritionist.
