
I’ve been a bit busy lately with a lot going on but I still want to share view on nutrition with you all. Things will settle down soon so I’ll be able to share more!

This week’s video is about focusing on health rather that a size, number on the scale or a conventional idea about what weight we should be. My focus as a nutritionist is to allow a person to be at their healthiest size by nourishing them with the healthiest foods and habits.

This is quite a personal topic for me because I became sick of trying to fit into a certain box to be a certain size and weight in order to feel confident and beautiful. I literally hit a wall and said enough is enough! In that moment I decided to feed my body the healthiest foods and see where I would end up.

Anyways check out the video below for more of the story and some tips!

Thanks for watching. I hope this video was helpful and insightful to you. If you have any questions please let me know. Please SHARE this video with someone that might be having a similar struggle.

To being at your healthiest for you!


Holistic Nutritionist.