Hello lovlies!

September was quite hectic. I apologize for not getting this video out sooner – it has literally been sitting on my computer for weeks now 🙂

In this week’s video I share about nutritional labels and claims. This is a major pet peeve of mine. A lot, I mean A LOT of people are fooled by marketing or the word ‘healthy’, ‘natural’, ‘unsweetened’, and the list could literally go on and on. In this video I share a little bit about how to not be fooled by labels and to take responsibility for the foods we are choosing.

Please check out the video and let me know if you have any questions!

Let’s Reflect

What are your thoughts with regards to nutritional claims? Are you an avid label checker or do you usually buy something because it’s ‘healthy’?

This week I challenge you to check all labels on foods and see if it lives up to it’s claim. This is the first step to food awareness and responsibility. When I first started doing this I was surprised at what I found and to be honest I am still surprised because I still check labels :*)

Did this video benefit you? If so please LIKE and SHARE! And if you have a question or COMMENT please let me know!

To more food transparency!


Holistic Nutritionist.