Ok, I am obsessed. Remember how I said I would most likely choose raw food over cooked food if given the choice. Well my love of raw veggies is reaching new heights. I recently got 2 new cookbooks (or uncook books) that I have been eyeing for a while. The photos, err , I mean recipes inspire me to make more types of delicious and raw food.

Raw food is amazing! I gush about it more here.

Ok enough excitment. I made this chili (or marinara sauce?) dish last week and it was a bit more involved than most dinners we have but once in a while you need that recipe that is a bit different and challenging! I used 2 types of mushrooms in this dish. I haven’t really used shiitake mushrooms in any of my meals due to the steep price but this recipe only calls for 3 of them, so the splurging is a minimum. (Good food isn’t cheap and cheap food isn’t good, as Doug McNish, a raw food chef, would say!) This raw chili would be great as a salad dressing, a marinade or even as a dipping sauce for veggies 🙂

Recipe adapted from The Raw Food Diet 

Ingredients (please buy organic for the most nutrition):

Serves 2


  • 1 red bell pepper chopped
  • 1 tomato chopped
  • 4 cremini mushrooms chopped
  • 3 shiitake mushrooms
  • ½ zucchini diced
  • 1 sprig green onion chopped
  • 1 tbsp cilantro leaves chopped


  • 1 ½ tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp onion
  • 2 medjool dates
  • ½ tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp bragg’s
  • ½ tbsp. raw cacao powder
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Pinch of cayenne or paprika
  • Salt to taste


1. Add all sauce ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.

2. Add sauce to chopped veggies and let marinate for 1 hour in a dehydrator at 115F or the lowest setting in a conventional oven. Alternately, you can let it marinate in the fridge overnight.

Better for you ingredients:

Shiitake mushrooms

  • used medicinally by the Chinese for over 6000 years
  • powers up the immune system by strengthening its ability to fight infection and disease
  • has anti-cancer activity, yay!


  • excellent source of skin beautifying antioxidants; vitamins A and C
  • contains lycopene*, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevents sun damage and aids in heart health among other things

*be sure to eat the whole food (aka a real tomato) and not just pop the lycopene pills, it’s the synergistic nature of all the biochemical in the tomato that give lycopene its potency!

 Be sure to let me know if you tried this amazing recipe by commenting here or on facebook or twitter. I would love to hear from you!

Have a great evening…I sure am 🙂
