This is officially my first post. How exciting! Lately and over the last year or so I have been reading about nutrition, eating a healthy diet, and having a more ‘organic’ lifestyle. Through this experience I have seen my passion for food and being educated about food grow. I am not surprised to say that this fits in perfectly with the way I was raised, and how I view health and beauty.

Where do I begin? I suppose I can start in the present and give some throwbacks to past endeavors as I continue this blog!

Currently I am trying a more raw diet hence the name life after grains. Recently, (3 weeks this Sunday!) we (my fiance and I) cut out soy products (except fermented ones), cut out dairy, minimized beans and grains, increased alkaline grains (quinoa, millet) , added in a green smoothie for breakfast, started taking digestive enzymes and probiotics AND of course increased all our veggies (which I LOVE!). All in all we have decided to eat a plant based diet full of more greens and live foods. Previously we were both vegetarians, I was bordering on vegan (can’t avoid eggs and dairy at b-day parties!). Also my fiance has given up his yogurt (for the most part!).

So far I am really enjoying the transition. That’s not to say the first few days were a bit difficult. I missed my morning staple of steel cut oats in soy milk with cinnamon, flax seeds, chia, dates, banana, blueberries and natural peanut butter. Now I prefer my green smoothie. I had actually been looking for a morning green ‘something’ the last few months. I really felt that I wasn’t getting enough greens in my diet. Funny because I eat a ton of veggies and fruit but something was missing! Interesting how your body knows when it is lacking something!

Also, I am a HUGE chocoholic 🙂 90% is my favorite. I definitely love finding chocolate everywhere I go. I was lucky to find a museum on my recent trip to Europe. Did you know Barcelona was the chocolate gateway into Europe from South America?

Chocolate museum, Barcelona, April 2011

Anyways, that’s a bit about my current endeavor in the food world.
