Hello mama!

This week I wanted to share a bit about eczema in babies. While all of the tips I offer are useful to adults, I have not personally had eczema. My son seemed to have it for a few weeks when I tried baby led weaning. Obviously with larger chunks of food and a baby who doesn’t know how to chew this lead to some issues!

In the video below I share what I did to help my son. It only took a week or 2 to see results in his skin…whew!

Tips Mentioned:

  1. Try to puree or mash up food as small as possible. After a while once baby is aware of how to chew they will want to chew their food themselves. While this makes complete sense this is not the case with baby led weaning. As always let your baby teach you!
  2. Remove high allergen foods.
  3. Use organic foods (whole foods) to reduce any extra chemicals such as pesticides and antibiotics.
  4. ADD in more omega 3 rich foods which are anti-inflammatory.

I hope this video helped you 🙂 If you have any questions or concerns please comment below or contact me. Please share this video with any new moms (or adults) that may have some issues with eczema.

To beautiful, inflammation-free skin 😉


Holistic Nutritionist.