Hello loves!

This week I wanted to give a few tips on how to buy organic. Sometimes we think that a particular store – be it Whole Foods or a health food store carries all organic. Sadly this is not true (I wish – that would make life so much easier!). So when buying produce, fruits, packaged goods, etc we still need to be mindful about what we are actually purchasing. In this week’s video I give 3 tips on buying organic and what we need to buy organic!

Check out the video below and let me know what your thoughts are 🙂

Tips Mentioned:

  1. Look at PLU codes on fruits and veggies. A five digit code starting with ‘9’ means organic.
  2. Check out the Dirty Dozen Fruits and Veggies + The Clean 15 to know what you absolutely should buy Organic! The 2016 List
  3. Look for Certified Organic Labels on Packaged Foods (Canada and US) but please note that 95% + organic ingredients can carry the label. This leaves 5% to be questioned so check out what it not organic. I have noticed canola oil as being part of these products but it is HEAVILY sprayed and GMO!

I hope this video has helped you. There is more on this topic so feel free to leave a COMMENT! Please SHARE this video if it will help someone gain more clarity on buying organic.

To REAL food,


Holistic Nutritionist.