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The latest posts from Michelle

The Root Solution to Emotional Eating

The Root Solution to Emotional Eating

Hello love, I wanted to share more about the difference between treating symptoms vs. the root cause of emotional eating. Most emotional eaters want to get a handle on their emotional eating but use surface level solutions to treat the symptoms.  Symptoms like: ...

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Why Emotional Eating is Impacting Your Health + Hormones

Why Emotional Eating is Impacting Your Health + Hormones

Hello lovely, Emotional eating is the main thing clients come to me for but it also impacts other areas of their health. This was the same for me as well. Some of the issues that come us are: -digestive issues -inflammatory issues -weight gain -low energy -feeling...

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Body Acceptance and Emotional Eating

Body Acceptance and Emotional Eating

Hello love, Body acceptance and emotional eating go hand in hand. Body acceptance was something I had to learn on my journey to resolving emotional eating and is key for my clients as well.  As emotional eaters I find we punish and criticize our body.  However, I do...

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Emotional Eating + Trauma

Emotional Eating + Trauma

Hello love, At the root of emotional eating is trauma. It’s something I love talking about and want to share more moving forward. When I was emotionally eating I realized that my emotional eating was a coping mechanism. And that it was covering up what was really...

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About Michelle

Welcome! I’m Michelle Lall, founder of L.A.L.L. Nutrition. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert based in Toronto, Canada.

I help ambitious women ditch dieting + emotinal eating so that they can fell confident around food and in their body and finally go after their goals.  I do this through FREE content in the form of articles & videos and through my signature program “The Emotional Eating Evolution”.