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The latest posts from Michelle

2 Key Things Needed to Resolve Your Emotional Eating

2 Key Things Needed to Resolve Your Emotional Eating

Hello love, I wanted to talk about the two key things that you need in order to resolve your emotional eating.  These two key things are commitment and consistency. I see time and time again, the women that succeed in resolving their emotional eating have these two...

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About Michelle

Welcome! I’m Michelle Lall, founder of L.A.L.L. Nutrition. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert based in Toronto, Canada.

I help ambitious women ditch dieting + emotinal eating so that they can fell confident around food and in their body and finally go after their goals.  I do this through FREE content in the form of articles & videos and through my signature program “The Emotional Eating Evolution”.