In order to resolve emotional eating, you need to do this: understand your nourishment needs.
Hello love, If you want to resolve emotional eating, there's one specific thing you need to do. This can be confusing, especially for emotional eaters. When you feel out of control with food, you may try to regain control by focusing on diets, exercise, or even...

Why You Can’t Think Your Way Out of Your Emotional Eating
Hello, love, I want to talk to you about something I hear all the time: the idea of "thinking your way out" of emotional eating. When we’re trying to break this pattern, we often find ourselves consuming a lot of information. While information is valuable and helps...

The Impact of Processed Foods on Emotional Eating | How to Break Free from the Cycle
Hello love, I wanted to talk about processed food because, while emotional eating isn’t just about food, food does play a significant role in the process. When we’re trying to address emotional eating, we often feel out of control with food, leading us to try and...

Emotional Eating: A Multilayered Issue That Requires a Holistic Solution
Hello love, Emotional eating can feel like an overwhelming challenge, especially when it seems like the typical solutions—diets and exercise plans—don’t work. You might feel like you're stuck in a cycle where food becomes your way of coping with emotions, leaving you...

Emotional Eating: Understanding Its Deeper Impact on Your Health
Hello love, When we emotionally eat, we often believe that the answer is simply controlling food and our body. We think:"Of course I gained weight – I ate too much. I overate."It seems like a straightforward cause and effect, but the truth is, it's far more complex....

About Michelle
Welcome! I’m Michelle Lall, founder of L.A.L.L. Nutrition. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert based in Toronto, Canada.
I help ambitious women ditch dieting + emotinal eating so that they can fell confident around food and in their body and finally go after their goals. I do this through FREE content in the form of articles & videos and through my signature program “The Emotional Eating Evolution”.