How stressors impact emotional eaters and what we can do about it.
Hello lovely, Today I wanted to talk about stressors and how that impacts emotional eaters and what we can do about it. Stress usually triggers emotional eaters into eating. I've heard this from many women that when their life is stressed and there's so much going on,...
Why are you an emotional eater + Why those diets/pills/surgeries are not the solution!
Hello love! Today I wanted to share with you why you might be an emotional eater and why those diet pills and surgeries are not necessarily the answer. If you're an emotional eater, what is happening is something much deeper than a diet, a pill or a surgery is going...
Why *True* Nourishment is Important for Emotional Eaters
How Emotional Eating Impacts Our Physical Health + What to Do
Hello lovely, Today I wanted to share about how emotions and emotional eating impact our physical health. If you are an emotional eater you know you go towards food when you're feeling a certain way or you start eating out of the blue and then realize after you are...
Why Therapy Didn’t Work for My Emotional Eating!
Hello love, Today I wanted to share why therapy didn't work for me specifically with my emotional eating. *Disclaimer - I have nothing against therapy*. I just want to speak to my experience and what I found worked. It might be helpful to you as well. While I was...
About Michelle
Welcome! I’m Michelle Lall, founder of L.A.L.L. Nutrition. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist + Emotional Eating Expert based in Toronto, Canada.
I help ambitious women ditch dieting + emotinal eating so that they can fell confident around food and in their body and finally go after their goals. I do this through FREE content in the form of articles & videos and through my signature program “The Emotional Eating Evolution”.