
What Are You Truly Hungry For?

Do you always feel hungry? Do you emotionally eat or binge? Emotional hunger derails your efforts to maintain your health and isn’t addressed in the latest trendy diet.

In this Guide You’ll discover how to:

Tell the difference between True vs. Emotional Hunger

Get a handle on emotional eating with a simple exercise

Connect back to your body’s cues and catch triggers

Hello beautiful! My name is Michelle.

I teach women to come back home to their body. To feel true hunger and to get to the root cause of emotional eating. In the process we transform your relationship to food, to your body and your emotions.

Michelle Lall BSc (Hons), BEd, CNP
Certified Holistic Nutritionist


Here’s what you’ll learn in this Guide: 

Do you always feel hungry? Do you emotionally eat or binge? Emotional hunger derails your efforts to maintain your health and isn’t addressed in the latest trendy diet.

You’ll discover:

  • How to tell the difference between True Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger
  • How to get a handle on emotional eating with a simple exercise
  • Learn to connect back to your body’s cues and catch triggers

You will get a clearer idea of what is really going on with your hunger with this guide.

The “Hunger” Exercise was one of the first things I learned to really start connecting back to MY body and tune out the nutritional “noise” out there.

No Diets, No Restrictions. Just Sustainable Change.